ESC is producing a Human Health Risk Assessment of this site
in Wildwood, Missouri.

Strecker Forest Development Site, Wildwood, MO

The Strecker Forest Development site is located in the City of Wildwood, Missouri. The site is bordered by the Bliss-Ellisville Superfund site which is known to be contaminated with dioxin, PCBs and other toxins. The EPA evaluated and remediated the Strecker Forest Development site and concluded that it met current health standards and was safe for residential use in 1996. A developer purchased the property and planned to build homes on the site’s 18 acres. ESC has been hired to complete a Human Health Risk Assessment of the site.

Summary of response to agency comments:
ESC/HE appreciates all of the comments from the agencies. We have responded to all comments made by the EPA, MDHSS, and MDNR and made changes where appropriate. The document was a draft, therefore ESC/HE stipulated errors might occur and expected comments. ESC/HE immediately addressed the issue with calculations on January 17, 2011 and have revised risk estimates accordingly. The text is now clearer on data limitations and assumptions that were needed in order to estimate risks. ESC/HE is expanding on the discussion of karst geology described in other reports and by the USGS. The final revisions to the HHRA deal with the line of evidence that support each conclusion regarding risks and future actions. We are currently addressing all public and agency comments and will soon submit final materials to the city with our responses and reconsideration.

Click here to read the questions/comments/requests for clarification we have already received regarding the Strecker Forest Development Site

EPA comments on DRAFT HHRA

MDHSS comments on DRAFT HHRA

MDNR comments on DRAFT HHRA

Strecker Forest Development Site Human Health Risk Assessment

Strecker Forest Development Site Human Health Risk Assessment Appendices

Strecker Forest Development Site Human Health Risk Assessment Presentation to City of Wildwood Council

For more information about this site:

Click here for a Strecker Forest Development Site slideshow

Click here to go to the City of Wildwood website