Portland Harbor was added to the EPA National Priorities List in December 2000. The agency is working in conjunction with a community advisory group, organizations and individuals to make sure the cleanup meets the needs of all those who work, live or play near Portland Harbor.

Portland Harbor Superfund Site

Portland, OR

This site is the commercial harbor of Portland on the Willamette River immediately upriver from the junction with the Columbia River. The site was added to the EPA Superfund list in 2000 and since that time, EPA identified approximately 80 potentially responsible parties (PRPs). Earlier in 2008, EPA sent letters to an additional 280 parties who may also be responsible. From those, fourteen PRPs comprise the Lower Willamette Group that has taken on the cleanup and is responsible for the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study under an agreement with EPA.

The industrial site was originally listed because more than 6 miles of the Willamette River are contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, various metals (lead, zinc, mercury, tin), pesticides, dioxins and other chemicals.

The Remedial Investigation was finalized in August 2011 with the Draft Final Feasibility Study released in sections from 2014-2015. The National Remedy Review Board met in November 2015 to consider the EPA’s current cleanup plan for the site.

The Portland Harbor Superfund Site Final Feasibility Study and Draft Proposed Plan were released in June 2016. The public comment period on the Proposed Plan ends September 6, 2016.


To learn more about the Willamette Riverkeeper, click here.

For updates on the Community Advisory Group, click here.

Click here for EPA’s Portland Harbor website…

Portland Harbor Superfund Site Proposed Plan

Portland Harbor Superfund Site Feasibility Study Report

The Remedial Investigation, Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment and Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment, which together serve as the foundation for designing the cleanup.

ESC Documents

Dr. deFur’s latest presentation on the Portland Harbor Superfund Site Cleanup Plan from the August 31, 2016 community meeting.

Dr. deFur’s presentation on the Portland Harbor Superfund Site Cleanup Plan at the Superfund Forum, June 21, 2016.

Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group’s Comments on the Portland Harbor Superfund Site Cleanup to the National Remedy Review Board and Contaminated Sediment Technical Advisory Group, October 19, 2015.

Click here to view the Portland Harbor Feasibility Study presentation Peter delivered to the Portland Harbor Citizens Advisory Group, May 9, 2012.

Presentation on PCBs and Clean Up delivered by Peter at the First Annual Science Pub hosted by the Willamette River Keeper, April 3, 2012.

Click here to view the slide show of possible options for cleanup that will likely be considered in the upcoming the Feasibility Study which Peter presented to the Portland Harbor Citizens Advisory Group, March, 2010.

ESC’s presentation to the Lower Willamette Group on the upcoming Feasibility Study, February, 2010

Burt Shepard’s presentation for EPA; April 2009 Portland Community Advisory Group meeting

Bob Wyatt’s presentation for the Lower Willamette Group at the April, 2009 Portland Community Advisory Group meeting